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Hello, World!

Testing, testing, is this thing on?


And we’re live!

Welcome to my personal site, built using Astro and Tina CMS.

I decided I’d have a go at creating my own personal site using Astro about 9 months ago in November of 2022. Within a week or so, I had a set of designs complete in Figma and got to it.

Well, in true indie hacker fashion, I got the initial set of designs to about 90% completition, and then never shipped it 🙃 I learnt a lot, though!

About a month or so ago, Twitch informed me that my 5th year anniversary of being an affiliate was coming up (a so called ‘Streamer-versary’). In that moment, I reflected on 5 years of streaming, and I felt a pang of regret that I hadn’t done a better job of documenting my adventures over the years—both for my self, and for others who’ve been following along.

Hence, I decided I’d give building a personal site another go, and, 2 months later, here we are.

I’ve learnt so much through the process of building this site, and while it took some effort to keep going at certain points, I’m very much glad I stuck it out.

I’m excited to use this place to share my learnings, adventures and gratitiude towards those I meet along the way—amongst other things.

Ultiamtely, it’s my ambition to share this setup for free so other indie hackers and makers can use it to share their journeys, too.

Thanks for stopping by! :)